In an effort to save $100 pp, we decided to not take the train but drive as far as possible to Machu Picchu. Our challenge was met with much doubt; we were told too many obstacles stood in the path, mountains, narrow train lines, streams, rocky roads and tunnels. Mainstream is for the lamestream; we wanted to be the first people to motorcycle to M.P. After turning off the main road the drive turned into a dirt road littered with fallen rocks. We wound our way slowly up the mountains for 90miles. This path was not for those scared of heights, each turn hugged the mountain tight while a river loomed below. It rained, we crossed waterfalls, drove through the clouds until finally we reached the hydroelectric plant, the end of the road. Mo wanted to drive the rest of the way, but the security wouldnt allow it. The last leg of the trip was a 2 hour 10k (6 miles) walk along rough train tracks. We made it and were proud!
((many photos to come of this adventure...slooooooow internet in this random small town (Mazo Cruz) in Peru))